
I sampled five (5) Singapore awardees of the Gates Cambridge scholarship.
Every single one is a fraudster.

Cambridge-gate #1
2011 MPhil Modern South-Asian Studies
Selwyn College
There is no record for any thesis under Darinee Alagirisamy, not in Apollo, EThOS, nor in her Google Profile. An article on the Self-Respect Movement was published in 2015/6 in which she is at Lucy Cavendish College and not Selwyn College.
According to her Linkedin page she started her doctorate in 2012 and attained it in 2017. However, as with her Master's there is no record of her doctorate where it definitely should be and no full text anywhere, though she lists four (4) Cambridge Doctors of Philosophy on her Linkedin page. Interestingly, her claims regarding a Bachelor's with Honours Second Upper at NUS and DipEd at NTU can also not be verified in any way.
An entry for the alleged theses, however, can be found on iDiscover here and here. Importantly, there is no Alagirisamy whatsoever neither at Selwyn nor Lucy Cavendish Colleges.
Darinee Alagirisamy is now lecturer at National University of Singapore and does "...welcome queries pertaining to research projects...".

Cambridge-gate #2
2018 PhD Clinical Neurosciences
Belinda Yuan Ding's thesis is, thankfully, accessible from Apollo. However, her Linkedin Master's thesis allegedly from Oxford does not appear to exist.
Belinda Yuan Ding's thesis appears to be a testing of the SIEMENS MAGNETOM Terra 7T on humans after it was released on the market and without SIEMENS supervision. Needless to say, this is llegal.
I do not recall seeing 'Siemens Healthcare (UK)' on Belinda Yuan Ding's Linkedin profile when I sent this email to SIEMENS. It appears 'Siemens Healthcare (UK)' appeared on Belinda Yuan Ding's Linkedin page the day after I sent that email.
It appears Belinda Yuan Ding was already working for SIEMENS during her thesis, as well as 'Scientific Consultant - Biochromex' and 'Part time tutor - Oxbridge Applications'.
It does not matter because the thesis is published without acknowledging SIEMENS in any way, and so will always be illegal. In addition, she did not declare her industry association while carrying out the academic research, so the thesis is also blatantly unethical.
Belinda Yuan Ding's supervisor at Cambridge Neuroscience, Chris Rodgers, appears somewhat more, but not completely, honest, at least with regards his own aim which is " translate the latest methods ready for use in clinical studies in collaboration with colleagues in Clinical Neurosciences and elsewhere..." (emphasis added).
You can watch Belinda Yuan Ding give a talk here, where she spends most of the time explaining MRI stuff like she's going to actually do something with it, just like in her thesis. And then in minute 13, the crux of the matter: "...the scanner software does not require any extra modification...". Which means she must have modified the physical properties of the device then tested it on humans. In Cambridge, with NHS funding, see this article
N.B. She probably modified nothing. She just exposed humans to some of the most powerful magnetic fields on Earth and published a Cambridge thesis. And SIEMENS, unacknowledged.
Also she is gold medalist in the 24th Singapore Chemistry Olympiad, the Raffles Institution team.
The international and national laws, rules, and regulations we have are exactly that: laws, rules, and regulations. Not suggestions. From a pragmatic perspective, it makes sense for SIEMENS to develop products with and at the University of Cambridge. It does not make sense that the NHS, which word has it is broke, should pay for it. What is absurd is that international and national laws, rules, and regulations are quietly, surreptitiously, and completely set aside for Belinda Yuan Ding and others from Singapore and elsewhere.

Cambridge-gate #3
2007 PhD Social Anthropology
Wolfson College
Megha and Sunil Amrith appear to be brother-and-sister academic criminals of the international first-class degree. Click here to download the full report.

Cambridge-gate #4
Yu Qian Ang
2017 MPhil Technology Policy
Trinity College
There is no record of an MPhil for Yu Qian Ang neither on Apollo nor iDiscover. However, it is repeated on his Linkedin page that he attained this degree with "...(Distinction)..." at Cambridge Uni.
(Distinction) for Yu Qian Ang's elusive Cambridge Master's is also repeated on the front page of his Massachusetts Institute of Technology doctorate.
An AI (not Irelynn) translation of Yu Qian Ang's non-elusive MIT doctorate is:
Cities are crucial for economic activity and growth, but they consume vast amounts of energy, leading to carbon emissions and potential climate change. To minimize the impact of climate change, municipalities across the globe have started developing climate action plans aimed at reducing carbon emissions and enhancing sustainable development. These plans involve promoting eco-friendly practices like using renewable energy sources, improving public transit, incentivizing green buildings, implementing waste reduction measures, and encouraging residents to adopt sustainable lifestyles. Such climate action plans not only help mitigate environmental impacts but also promote livable, resilient, and sustainable cities.
What Yu Qian Ang did for his MIT doctorate is use the interface provided by UBEM.IO and/or slap together some data from its projects into the bloated and haphazard form you may see for yourself. The novelty was published by Zachary M Berzolla in his thesis, and from which you may see that Yu Qian Ang just marketed it -up or -down depending on which way you look. The relevant National Science Foundation grant was for, naturally, MIT Earth Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences.
Yu Qian Ang stated on his Linkedin profile that he did his Bachelor and Master's of Science at National University of Singapore without any dates, along with World Bank, mentions, something out of a box, and so on, but not that he is still at, apparently, at MIT. The point is, try to find a Bachelor or Master's thesis on the National University of Singapore thesis repository. You will not.
You will not find Yu Qian Ang's Bachelor nor Master's theses at NUS because, in typical Singapore style, he changed his name around. You will find a 2015 Master's for Ang Yu Qian and a 2012 Bachelor's project for the same Ang Yu Qian, who may or may not be Yu Qian Ang.
Funnily enough, the Bachelor's project for Ang Yu Qian, about 'building information modeling' is RESTRICTED but the Master's is not. And from there, you may find that it is also a bloated and recycled form of theses published earlier, and later, and which comes as no surprise since it is, after all, the National University of Singapore, even if the numbers run into the dozens and across the decade. Yu Qian Ang's Google Scholar profile does not list any Master's, neither from Cambridge nor from Singapore.

Cambridge-gate #5
2013 PhD Psychiatry
Trinity College
Elija (Foo Keat) Mak started his PhD with a Gates Scholarship, as mentioned above, in 2013, stating on his Gates Scholarship biography:
...It is just so exciting to be part of a respected team at Cambridge, where I aim to improve early and accurate diagnosis of dementia subtypes...
It seems Elijah Mak was so excited, he decided to stay there until 2023. Ten-year doctorates are unusual these days, even in Finland, but what makes Elijah Mak extra special is that he has, get this - 135 or 136 publications.
On his ResearchGate page he lists 135 (one hundred and thirty five) publications. He also states 'PhD' which, of course, does not exist. This is certain because he tells us that he is 'working on his PhD' on his Cambridge Neuroscience webpage.
On his Google Scholar page he lists 136 (one hundred and thirty six) publications.
Of course, many of his publications are with, who else, Nagaendran Kandiah, the legendary Singapore dementia researcher affiliated with all known and unknown Singapore research institutes, several Ministries, UNSW STROKOG, several declared and undeclared pharma companies, and so on, and apparently one of the most corrupt stains of brain aggregates.
In all this excitement, Elijah Mak, with or without Foo Keat, manages to publish over 130 articles in ten years (though he does list an article from 1931)...and not one doctorate? Master's even?