Academic Gibberish
(not unrelated to Singapore)

The quality of scientific publications may appear questionable at times. This is odd, in light of the rigorous and transparent peer-review system advertised by top journals.
What follows is a series on academic publications released from a hub of self-proclaimed excellence. Why the journal editors, and reviewers, share this belief is also questioned.
For more information on Singapore-led Farcical Ethics, click here.

In this article by Khanna, and you may read more about him here under Singapore Dementia Consortium, he basically tells us that glutamate is important in the brain. Except he uses electrodes that do not exist, hooked up to something like an amplifier at one end, the animal at the other end, and something else at another end.
You may download the email sent to Frontiers here.
Sanjay Khanna,
Spread a little manna,
On his electrode.
He uttered words grand,
Waved his wand,
And set his amp on gain mode.
Voila! An article sound,
On floating ground,
And Frontiers in Neural Circuits implode.

In this article by Ibanez, there are a few problematic points you may read about more here, not including that animals were anesthetized with carbon dioxide (since it was already established with that journal, with COPE, PETA, and others that the difference between euthanasia and anesthesia is not immortal).
The crux of the matter involved a brain factor, which like the other brain factors Ibanez works on, promises a cure for dementia, obesity, and death, among other things.
The highlight of the matter is that this particular factor in this particular article
has thus identified...a promising target to limit cognitive deficits associated with sleep deprivation...
Now. It is possible that Singapore authorities are interested in retrieving memories from subjects tortured by sleep deprivation. But also the reviewers?
Carlos had a little lamb,
Karolinska was her name.
And everywhere that Carlos went,
Karolinska did the same.
What's your secret Carlos dear?
A factor here, a factor there,
Growth factors sprouting every where!
And though your strumming is rather kitsch,
And won't you practice what you preach,
Do tell your secret, we want to hear.
Says he, 'Aah, the factor for which you yearn,'
'Is a most refined factor indeed.'
'Like Swedish meatballs and the Nobel prize,'
'Only the likes of me may discern.'

Scientific Reports
In these articles by Rupshi Mitra and others:
a non-existent antibody used;
an impossible method to image BDNF is apparently invented;
analyses using the software reported do not produce the results reported;
...and it's all cool with Scientific Reports.
Click to here to download correspondence with that journal.

Translational Psychiatry
In this article by Rupshi Mitra and others:
animals are beheaded without anesthesia and for no scientific reason;
animals are sliced open belly-wise after they are beheaded for an unknown reason;
distance is not speed it's locomotion or both and neither;
experiments were done in 2 days or 5 days or both and neither;
data is significant in one place and not significant in another in the same article;
data in this article contradicts data in another article by Mitra and others;
a drawing tube, found in museums, is used to draw neurons by hand;
...and it's all cool with Translational Psychiatry.
Click here to download correspondence with that journal.

George Augustine is at Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Imperial College London-Nanyang Technological University, and perhaps elsewhere. His editorial practice at Frontiers includes:
of 14 publications, Augustine edited 6 for authors of an institute he is or was at;
at least one article Augustine edited is by co-authors of his;
...and even though it appears to be against Frontiers guidelines and their hoohah on 'transparency and diversity', it's all cool with Frontiers.
Click here to download correspondence with that journal.

In this article by Rupshi Mitra, Lee Wei Lim, and another:
the editor and reviewers are or were in the same institute, and are co-authors on many many papers. This is very much against Frontiers guidelines;
where an electrode was stuck in the brain is all wrong and no where near where it should be or where it is claimed to be, which is actually in part of the brain no one heard of before;
we do not know how the experiments were done because we are not told. Really;
the paper is a duplicate of another paper by Lee Wei Lim and Rupshi Mitra's spouse, Ajai Vyas;
...and it's all cool with Frontiers.
Click here to download correspondence with that journal.

Molecular Ecology
In these articles by Ajai Vyas and others:
a relatively impossible dilution of testosterone is allegedly used;
this impossible dilution, suitable for a mammoth, is injected into the brain of rat. Twice. And the rats survived rats;
Ajai Vyas took data from Stanford while he was with Robert Sapolsky, put it in an article, and does not tell anyone;
...and it's all cool with Molecular Ecology. And Stanford Coop.
Click here to download correspondence with those journals.

Journal of Alzheimer's Disease
Translational Stroke Research
Nagaendran Kandiah's painfully obvious non-disclosure of 'interests'.
Click here and here to download correspondence with those journals.

In this article by Rupshi Mitra and others:
statistical methods are mixed and matched then blended then reversed. In short, statistical methods are total tommyrot;
references cited in the article are also tommyrot;
Ruphi's famous museum piece is used in the methods;
...and it's all cool with Heliyon.
Click here to download correspondence with this journal.

Behavioral Sciences
[1] Gianluca Esposito is at Nanyang Technological University. Along with others, he is responsible for highly unethical studies on children, and Behavioral Sciences are responsible for publishing the matter produced by Esposito and others at NTU.
[2] You can download correspondence here. Briefly:
- Esposito's hypotheses are unfounded. Like, he pulls them out of air, and the quality of that air, thin or very thick, may not be commented upon.
- He publishes the same data from the same or different airy hypotheses as if different. And then when confronted, he's like: 'And? What's the problem?'
- There is a lot of misinformation in Esposito's publications which follow from the motions above, such as lying about conforming to the Helsinki Declaration, lying about statistics, and so on.
[3] Undoubtedly influenced by Singaporean authority style, Esposito chooses to reinforce his motions with open rudeness.
Correction: a correction statement for one of the articles released by Esposito was published.
Esposito appears to be a slug,
And man, what an ugly face,
He'd keep that ugly mug,
Straight as a lace,
As he'd fart with a BLAT!
Pinch out the articles flat,
And say:
'Exposito that.'

[1] Download correspondence with the journal here.
[2] No ethical permission was obtained for these 'experiments' done in Singapore including at an institute which does not exist, by authors including Qian Lin, Professor at the University of Toronto.
[3] The 'experiments' could not have obtained ethical permission even in Singapore because they consisted of literally paralyzing fish and then torturing fish.
[4] During torturing fish, a signal may have been obtained using a lot of very expensive stuff, which was then manipulated in many many ways to produce the following conclusion:
Fish swim up towards light sometimes.
Very very well-known cells in the brain are involved.
[5] That's it.

Scientific Reports
[1] Like many other articles in Scientific Reports, this one by Qian Lin, Professor at the University of Toronto, is a poorly plagiarized and dumbed-down version of the one discussed just above.
[2] Obviously the message is the same:
Fish swim up towards light sometimes.
Very very well-known cells in the brain are involved.
However, to make it (ahem) presentable, she cracked some huge whopping lies about 'what is known'. Click here to download correspondence with wunderkind Rafal and others.
[3] That's it.

[1] In this article by Qian Lin, she tortured fish after receiving non-existent ethical approval from nowhere. Her conclusion, despite the absurd obfuscation in which she couched the terms, was:
Cerebellum is important for movement. Maybe, it takes >10 s to decide.
Click here to download the correspondence with the journal, and which includes an AI translation of this article by Qian Lin, Professor at University of Toronto.
[3] And that's it for the entire work output of Qian Lin, Professor at University of Toronto.
Tortured Fish Parts I, II, and III, discussed here and just above, is the entire scientific output of Qian Lin, Professor at University of Toronto.
That's it.

A doctoral student, now continuing to think in a tank, produced a thesis at the National University of Singapore to generate anti-China propaganda. So he fabricated clusters of fragmented identities and then counted them. Click here for the story.

World Scientific, IOP, and NTU
A thesis published at Nanyang Technological University where 'epilepsy' is magically 'detected' from any electroencephalogram (EEG), whether or not there was any 'epilepsy' in the EEG. Or EEG for that matter.
And then four apparently plagiarized and irrelevant articles published in World Scientific, which is owned by a Nanyang Technological University/National University of Singapore 'professor'...who also owns the Imperial College Press.
Click here for the email sent to the journals.
And if you see vague traces of EEG out-of-time,
To your Singapore in crime,
I wouldn't pay it any mind,
It's just a NTU.
With apologies to Bob Dylan

NTU, IOP, and Scientific Reports
Chloroplasts in plant cells turn light energy into energy we can eat. Mitochondria in our cells turn what we've eaten into energy we can use.
ANNOUNCEMENT FROM NANYANG TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY: Biological systems are also quantum. Niels Bohr missed the point. NTU found out better by torturing a water bear BUT kept it alive.

Here is how an AI (not Irelynn) interpreted this paper and this thesis [by Kai Sheng Lee who in typical Singaporean style also has an alias, in this instance it appears to be Keun Seok Lee, click here for Google profile] from NTU, in collaboration with researchers from Malaysia, Denmark, UK, Poland, and of course National University of Singapore:
Quantum mechanics is essential in understanding the behavior of atoms and subatomic particles, and it's believed that biological systems also follow these principles to some degree. Since life is composed of these basic building blocks, researchers have been studying how quantum mechanics apply to biological phenomena. By understanding how quantum mechanics intersect with biology, researchers aim to unravel the mysteries of the natural world, including how our bodies function and how diseases develop. Ultimately, this knowledge could lead to new technologies and breakthroughs in medicine.
A tardigrade placed between capacitor plates in a transmon chip acts as a dielectric and increases the capacitance of the qubit. The exact permittivity is unknown, but clearly larger than that of the vacuum state.
The researchers proposed a protocol for implementing a quantum state transfer between a qubit and multiple harmonic oscillators. They demonstrated the transfer by preparing the qubit in its ground state and a set of oscillators in their vacuum state, then applying a series of operations to the system. They found the first excited state to be a superposition of the qubit and oscillators, with the oscillators in a state containing a single excitation in each oscillator. This work has potential applications in quantum communication and computation.
In this experiment, a tardigrade in the tun state was positioned between the shunt capacitor plates and the Josephson junction of the transmon qubit B. Qubit A was capacitively coupled to qubit B and the entire chip was placed within a 3D copper cavity. The purpose of this setup was to investigate the possibility of using biological molecules in quantum information processing and to ultimately develop more efficient and sustainable quantum technologies. Further research is required to understand the quantum behavior of tardigrades and potential applications in quantum computing.
It's one thing to publish poorly concealed drivel in lieu of an article or thesis.
It's another thing to torture a water bear and celebrate that it did not die in the process.
And then to talk down at Neils Bohr, may he rest in peace and never be disturbed by NTU's entangled nonsense nor otherwise, to achieve the above.

And regarding this BS article in, of course, Scientific Reports, and which also went into Kai Sheng/Keun Seok Lee's NTU thesis:
American cockroaches (Periplaneta americana) were found to display sensitivity to periodically rotated external magnetic fields in recent behavioural experiments. While many animals demonstrate this sensitivity, particularly in simple organisms, this research sheds light on the mechanism behind such magnetic perception in more complex creatures.

Vyas A. 2024: Nuts and bolts of the behavioural manipulation by Toxoplasma gondii. Special Issue on Toxo-plasmosis. Folia Parasitol. 71: 017.
oNE may require severab vomit baaaaaaaags to erselee7 the glerba3 dingloshnifra5ny krepububloo7ed by the perlanshofenao5 of gerbanadalefna2a2a2efbla3neee5sjiiffidh: AJAUY VYAAA3.s Naayyang Tchnological Unibertsity Singaboob.
see report page 209 to understand why Ajaynoorbela3 Veraya3a3a3 e7 is compleeteraleene7 and utterbla3neja3 BULLSHIT
And yah. Edited by his chumychmunnuiesschumpie PETRASNEGALDOLO3 vatifcaaane5
............. an oblo3
Checking aooute7 dis also sdem cann firsty personusisisisi ntu a7em a7em fel seko3nagoflashjneEEEEiiii76 Harvard NEU NTU yakeslosfro3edo3 edo3 edo3 Wen Han Tong and sone pder blershannasfertrto3. Vatican
Tan, S., Tong, W. H. and Vyas, A. (2023
). Impaired episodic-like memory in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease is associated with hyperactivity in prefrontal–hippocampal regions
. Dis. Model. Mech.
, dmm049945
wadevah and dis o7lebvala3 omboro2.
A related article has been published: Impaired episodic-like memory in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease is associated with hyperactivity in prefrontal–hippocampal regions
Total caca
Incidentally. Yours truly here, moi, imported dem meces from Riken. Yah twas melud. Heya....
ANNA BARON. Watcha doin handen out dem mice obmine to left and re3, dem butchers e?

And continuing with T0 TAL BULLSH*T
Robert Sapolsky. A7em. A7eee77!!!
2022 ISPNE Bruce McEwen Lifetime Achievement award: Stress, from molecules to societies
Author links open overlay panelRobert Sapolsky
Where does one start? Or sni3?
Unfathomable allostasios? a7a?
Bleeeya3 beeebvlluuuaaa3 berbluua3.
a7nedfraa5 ebla5 eblooo3 dermablo3nageooofjebla3

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Feel free to contact me for an open, transparent, and peer-reviewed discussion of academic gibberish not unrelated to Singapore or otherwise.