OXFORD DON with KY jelly

Hey Oxford Don, looking smart in those robes,
Allow me to part them with the tip of my toes,
An in and an out, smooth as a breeze,
Just a small prick. You may even be pleased.
You know, back in SG I need to say I was,
Down where the cows and bulls used to cross,
They make me boss!
So THANK-U-SAO-MAAACH for this life-changing quickie,
I hope I didn't leave your robes too sticky.

On University of Oxford webpage:
"...The Clarendon Fund’s purpose is simple; to assist academically outstanding graduate students through their studies at the University of Oxford...The Clarendon Fund’s purpose is simple; to assist academically outstanding graduate students through their studies at the University of Oxford...
...Like all fully-funded Oxford scholarships, Clarendon covers course fees, and provides a generous grant for living expenses. This funding helps reduce the financial barriers that may stand in the way of the best students, from across the world, coming to study at Oxford..."
However, many students awarded a Clarendon Scholarship appear to be fraudsters - they have lied about their past, what they are doing or have done with their scholarship, and other matters.
100% of Singapore students awarded a Clarendon Scholarship 2021-22/23 are fraudsters.
In addition, University of Oxford Singapore students not awarded a Clarendon Scholarship are fraudsters.
Furthermore, University of Oxford students stated not be from Singapore are from Singapore, and are fraudsters.

Denis Chung Lim Lan from the 2021-22 cohort allegedly reading a DPhil in experimental psychology at St John's College. A Linkedin page with that name claims he sat his A-Levels at Hwa Chong Institution Singapore, attained a Bachelor's at Oxford, and suddenly doing the DPhil at Oxford, not only with the Clarendon Scholarship, but also with the Christopher Welch Scholarship in Biological Sciences.
Denis Lan Chung Lim from Hwa Chong Institution was, in addition to the two scholarships already mentioned, also awarded "...The Defence Merit Scholarship is awarded to selected individuals with the calibre to chart Singapore's future. Recipients will be groomed to be a leader, a major contributor to defence policies and more..." in 2018.
Denis Chung Lim Lan's scholarship in experimental psychology was approved in Oxford, but in St Hugh's College, and in 2019.
There is no record of any Denis Lan/Lim/Chung neither on Oxford Uni webpages nor on Clarendon Scholars' Association pages.

From Denis' Linkedin activity webpage, you are connected to Shawn Goh.
Shawn Goh claimed to have attained an Oxford Master of Science on Social Science of the Internet. He did not.
His Google Scholar profile is here. His website is here and where he repeats that he attained "...MSc in Social Science of the Internet at the Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford...". But then he does not list it in his CV.
On Shawn Goh's related Oxford Uni webpage, we are informed that "...Shawn's interests lie at the intersection of disinformation, data and democracy..." and his position was "...MSc Student, September 2021 - August 2022...". Did he come to Oxford to just read? Read and do something else? Or just came. Then left.
Titles by Shawn Goh include 'Fake news tells more than just lies', ' Singapore’s fake news law: Countering populists’ falsehoods and truth-making', '...fight against political deceit', 'Fake news law', 'Singaporeans' Susceptibility to False Information', and so on. This has got to be one of the most outstanding examples of published Singaporean style hypocrisy yet.
Also from Denis' Linkedin activity, one is connected to Benedict Yeo. He claims to have an MSc in Social Data Science at Oxford Uni. He does not appear to have done so.
Yeo's Oxford Uni webpage states, "...He worked in public service in Singapore and is keen to use data-driven methods to derive insights into social and political behaviour to improve public policies..." and his position, "...MSc Student, September 2021 - August 2022...". I suppose he just came and left too.
And why was he not allowed in the Library? Then let in again? Did he come then leave twice?

Back to Oxford Uni Clarendon's shinobo scholarships, 2020-21. Si Jie Ivin Yeo reading DPhil in Geography and the Environment at Keble College.
Si Jie Ivin Yeo's Google Scholar profile is here. His Oxford Uni webpage is here where he claims he is being supervised by Gillian Rose and Beth Greenhouh. But his 2023 publication is with Tim Bunnell. With whom he started working as a research assistant in National University of Singapore when he started his DPhil (but in Oxford) here.
Matthew Reavley, Clarendon shinobo 2022-23, supposedly reading a DPhil in Materials at St Peter's College. On the Oxford Uni Bogani Group webpage, Matthew Reavley is stated to be a 'Clarendon Scholar' and not DPhil Student like other 'doctoral students' in the lab. His bio on those pages state he attained an MSc in technology management at Nanyang Technological University. There is no MSc awarded for any Matthew Reavley at NTU.
Articles, all recent and apparently Singapore-style plagiarized, published from various Singapore establishments here, here, and here include Matthew Reavley and as first author.
Mathew Reavley's YouTube channel states, "...Bassist currently residing in Oxford. I've been playing bass for half my life, and been playing professionally for a number of years...Open to collaborations, remote studio work and gigs, reach out to me over Facebook (Matthew Reavley) or Instagram (matt_the_bassman)..."

It would not have been fair to sample only Singapore students from the who's-who of fraudsters that is the Clarendon Scholarship list of Awardees.
I sampled a handful, below are three that came back bad.

Ariq Hatibie from Hong Kong reading an MSc in Global Governance and Diplomacy at Oxford Uni Wolfson College 2020-21. His Linkedin profile say's he's a research assistant at Harvard. At the same time, he is reading a Doctor of Law at Harvard.
"...He hopes to help reshape international institutions towards safeguarding human rights in an age of increasing fragmentation..." at Yale where he allegedly 'investigated his final project' and received a prize, 2020, perhaps for his alleged Bachelor of Arts. But his Linkedin profile says Master of Science, Global Governance and Diplomacy, Distinction University of Oxford. And he is on record at Wolfson College here. However, there is no Master of any kind awarded to that name at Oxford Uni.
These lies including 'advocating for human rights' are repeated here where he is allegedly 1L Harvard Law School.
Chuyan Tang supposedly from China reading a DPhil in organic chemistry at Balliol College. Her Linked profile says 'MSc Chemistry Oxford' and nothing else. Oxford group website belonging to Jonathan Doye says Chuyan Tang was a 'project student' 2019-20. She may also have been a visitor or 2018 summer student at Oxford's Perkin lab.
Her Facebook page says she 'Left University of Oxford 2020'. And than she went to Nanyang Girls' High School, Hwa Chong Institution, and continues to live in Singapore.

Dearbhla Kelly from UK stated to be reading an MSc in Evidence-Based Health Care at Oxford Uni Harris Manchester College. Her Google Scholar profile is here.
She had already a DPhil at Oxford Uni St Hilda's College in 2020. It appears to be a hodgepodge of literature review and some statistical analyses to show what we already know.
She also has at least two Masters from elsewhere, two Diplomas, Fellowship at Global Brain Health Institute, awards, prizes, and so on.
While I reserved an satirical tone for a report on this most revered of establishments, I am dismayed.
I met many students who would have worked very hard with a fraction of what the individuals listed here were privileged with.
A young woman from Mississippi who, in a show-down with the world she perceived looked down on her, came out not only top of her class, but top of a university's records.
A young man who, when not supporting his mother, not originally from Cambodia, in the Phnom Penh market where she had a pig butchery stall, led his more affluent colleagues with enthusiasm, intelligence, and a resourcefulness and kindness hard to imagine possible.
A young woman from Singapore who, politely and firmly, refused to be placed in any caste her family and society attempted to impose on her - and excelled.
These are just a few students I met, real people with no real chance in the University of Oxford to dream of a Clarendon Scholarship, fully-funded, generous, living expenses included.
In contrast, the individuals listed here, and their fraudulent activity, appears almost unreal. I wonder why?